Science Versus Bible: To Debate or Not to Debate?
Herb Silverman tells us why "religious discussions and debates can be especially productive for atheists."
Herb Silverman tells us why "religious discussions and debates can be especially productive for atheists."
Oak Harbor, WA city council welcomes first-ever humanist invocation.
AHA Exec. Dir. Roy Speckhardt argues that multiple labels allow people to more accuratly express who they are.
Humanist legal center involvement comes after family complaint brushed off.
AHA board member and Humanist Press author Herb Silverman is a new blogger with The Huffington Post!
Stand up for scientific discovery by urging your Representative to support H. Res. 467!
Darwin Day on February 12th is celebrated by humanists, science advocates around the globe.
We join others in supporting contraceptive health care coverage.
AHA’s legal center representing local family.
“The notion that we all stand in need of redemption is antihumanist,” Ferrick said in 1990.