An End to Arrogant Atheism
"...we need to recognize that you can respectfully disagree, but you can't respectfully ridicule."
"...we need to recognize that you can respectfully disagree, but you can't respectfully ridicule."
Our Appignani Humanist Legal Center is representing county residents in this case.
Courthouse grounds used for exclusive Christian displays.
Constitutional church-state separation guarantees at work in this case.
2014 Humanist of the Year Barney Frank featured.
Baxter County has long history of erecting Christian-only displays on courthouse grounds.
Niose is the former president of the American Humanist Association and the Secular Coalition for America.
Help support comprehensive sex education by contacting your Representative and urging them to support this bill.
The story covers the AHA's Center for Humanist Activism and its Freethought Equality Fund.
Belief in Darwin's theory of evolution rises.