Dear Friend,
Congress is at it again, trying once more to limit the right of women to control their own bodies.
Recently, a bill called the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” cleared a House committee and is on its way to be voted on before the entire U.S. House of Representatives. This bill takes the unnecessary step of prohibiting the expenditure of federal funds for any abortion and also includes “conscience protections” for medical officials who do not wish to provide abortions services for religious reasons.
Enough is enough! Take action now, and tell your Representative to oppose the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.
This dangerous piece of legislation further limits the ability of women—many of whom cannot afford the expense—to receive safe access to an abortion. Religious extremists are leading the effort to end a woman’s right to choose entirely—and we can’t let that happen.
Please help us stand up for the rights of women by opposing this bill. It’s simple to use our Action Alert system, and your message will be sent directly to your Representative.
Your humanist voice can make a big difference. I thank you again for standing up for women’s rights and against religious extremists.

Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director