David Scott | Jan 20, 2014
One of my biggest problems with most religions (or the way many people practice them) is the time spent putting down other belief systems. It’s almost like some religious people feel compelled to denigrate others in an effort to make their own beliefs more legitimate. So often and ironically, this negative focus on others is categorically against the teachings of their own chosen religion. This is certainly the case with Christianity. .
I now consider myself a humanist. When a humanist reveals his philosophy to believers, they often react as if you had said you are communist, have AIDS or some other communicable disease, was gay, or God forbid, an atheist. They politely and usually discreetly put you in the “untouchable” religious category and urge their small children to give you a wide berth for fear of spiritual contamination.
To read the entire Wilmington Faith and Values article, click here.