Congressman Rush Holt Announces Darwin Day Resolution on House Floor
Humanists around the globe to celebrate science and humanity on the anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth.
Humanists around the globe to celebrate science and humanity on the anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth.
Original denial reversed due to involvement from the AHA's legal center.
The proposal would allow anyone to get a single-use permit to perform a wedding.
Herb Silverman looks forward to the day when even religious conservatives accept evolution.
Ask your Representative in Congress to support the Darwin Day resolution!
The AHA has signed a coalition letter sent to Congress supporting the Violence Against Women Act.
On many issues, nonreligious Americans need not act like they're alone--because they're not.
Herb Silverman looks to the day when the Boy Scouts follow the Girl Scouts and allow atheists.
AHA's Legal Center asks Summerville, SC YMCA to cease discrimination against atheists.
Secular movement leaders continue tradition of meeting to improve everyone's efforts.