For Immediate Release
Contact: David Reinbold,
(Washington, DC, May 1, 2024) — Today, Congressional Freethought Caucus Co-Chair Representative Jamie Raskin, joined by Caucus Co-Chair Representative Jared Huffman, and other Congressional Freethought Caucus members, introduced a resolution to recognize May 4, 2024 as the National Day of Reason.
The National Day of Reason celebrates science, logic, and reason as guiding principles of our secular democracy, and promotes greater awareness of the constitutional separation of religion and government. The resolution “encourages all citizens, residents, and visitors to join in observing this day and focusing on the central importance of reason, critical thought, the scientific method, and free inquiry to resolving social problems and promoting the welfare of humankind.”
“We proudly stand with Rep. Raskin, Rep. Huffman, and the entirety of the Congressional Freethought Caucus, in elevating the National Day of Reason,” said Nicole Carr, Interim Executive Director for the American Humanist Association. “With Christian nationalist influence proliferating in Congress, and with the threat to our judiciary looming large, it has never been so important to reaffirm our commitment to the constitutional wall of separation between religion and government, and to celebrate reason as the guiding principle of our secular democracy.”
Humanist and nontheist communities around the country will celebrate the National Day of Reason as part of a nationwide Secular Week of Action, an opportunity to make positive change in their communities through volunteerism.
Those interested in demonstrating their support for a National Day of Reason are encouraged to visit to find information for organizing local action and a template to request a proclamation recognizing the National Day of Reason in their communities, read government statements and media coverage from previous years, and extend official organizational endorsement. Folks also are invited to attend the livestream of the inaugural Congressional Reason Reception on May 1, 2024, from 6:30-8 p.m. ET. This event, co-sponsored by AHA with the Freedom From Religion Foundation and the Secular Coalition for America, will feature members of Congress and keynote speaker Kate Cohen.
“During the past year, we have witnessed numerous intrusions of religious ideology into all spheres of government,” said Lily Bolourian, Legal and Policy Director for the AHA. “This onslaught has included battles to display religious iconography in public spaces, the use of religious reasoning to restrict access to reproductive services, the ramped up repression of LGBTQIA+ people and their families—particularly trans* youth—and so much more. We proudly stand with our allies in Congress in support of science, reason, and critical thought in shaping and guiding our secular democracy, in opposition to religious zealotry.”
Learn more about the National Day of Reason at
Read the National Day of Reason resolution introduced by Reps. Raskin and Huffman here.
The American Humanist Association (AHA) works to protect the rights of humanists, atheists, and other nontheistic Americans. The AHA advances the ethical and life-affirming worldview of humanism, which—without beliefs in gods or other supernatural forces—encourages individuals to live informed and meaningful lives that aspire to the greater good of humanity.
The Center for Freethought Equality (CFE) is the advocacy arm of the American Humanist Association dedicated to lobbying and political advocacy. The CFE significantly increases humanist activity in key Washington coalitions, and has established a permanent lobbyist on the Hill that fights for issues secular Americans care about like the separation of church and state and protecting civil liberties.