SLUG: NA/VINCENNES: 09/08/09 CREDIT: Linda Davidson / staff/ The Washington Post LOCATION: Vincennes, IN CAPTION: Six select high schools in the US are debuting a 9-11cirriculum to their history and social studies classes. This after families of ( 9-11 or 9/11 or September 11th ) victims, rescuers and survivors pushed to have it added before the attack fades into distant memories for seniors who were maybe 9 or 10 when the attacks occured. One of the select high schools is Lincoln High School in Vincennes, Indiana. PICTURED: Prior to 9/11, Lincoln High Schoolers did not say the pledge of allegiance. They do now; probably the only noticeable change in this high school as well as an entry in the new history books. Shown here, teacher Donna Kramer’s german class in first period saying the pledge. StaffPhoto imported to Merlin on Wed Sep 9 23:40:09 2009