Today, Roy Speckhardt and the AHA joined other groups and individuals in sending support and compassion to the Minnesota Dar Al farooq Islamic Center that was bombed on August 5th.
The following letter was sent to Mohamed Omar, Executive Director of the Dar Al farooq Center. Read the letter sent to Mohamed Omar below, or download a PDF version here.
Monday, August 07, 2017
Mohamed Omar,
Dar Al farooq Center
8201 Park Ave S
Bloomington, Minnesota
Dear Mr. Omar,
We at the American Humanist Association (AHA) want to extend our deep sympathy and compassion to you and your congregation in light of the recent attack on the Dar Al farooq Center. This bombing was a contemptible act, and we are relieved no one was physically injured.
The growing sentiment of Christian Nationalism and actual silence from President Trump and his administration during your organization’s time of need points to the egregious double standard mounting in this country toward non-Christians.
The American Humanist Association, jointly with other nontheist organizations, is actively requesting a dialogue with the Trump Administration to ensure religious freedom and inclusion for all Americans, including Muslims as well as humanists and other nontheists. We also support the newly introduced Do No Harm Act intended to amend the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) of 1993 to protect individuals’ civil rights.
The AHA stands in solidarity with you and the members of your community and we will continue to do so as we confront ongoing biases in the name of human rights, religious freedom and social justice.
Roy Speckhardt, Executive Director, American Humanist Association