Dear Friend,
I’m excited to tell you that the Darwin Day resolution, which recognizes February 12th as Darwin Day, commends scientists for improving humanity’s quality of life through scientific discovery, and opposes the teaching of creationism, has been reintroduced by Rep. Rush Holt (NJ).
Please help us honor Charles Darwin and support science by using our action alert system to:
• Send an email to your Representative and ask him or her to support the Darwin Day resolution. We’ve even written the message for you to make it easy and quick to send.
• Get your Representative’s phone number and call to say “I urge you to cosponsor H. Res. 467, also known as the Darwin Day resolution. Creationism is being taught in schools nationwide, and we need Congress to stand up for real science.”
I also encourage you to tweet and post on Facebook about the resolution to bring attention to Darwin Day and the Darwin Day resolution. Use the hashtags #DarwinDayRes and #DarwinDay to show your support to followers!
Your humanist voice can make a big difference. I thank you again for standing up for scientific discovery and against the pervasive influence of creationism.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director