By Roy Speckhardt, September 26, 2013
Last week a new Political Action Committee was announced that will support nonreligious candidates and religious candidates that support equality for atheists and agnostics. According to its coordinator Bishop McNeill, a flood of support is coming in with scores of PAC contributors in its first two days of operation—enough to bump the group into the FEC recognized multi-candidate PAC status. Articles from The Huffington Post, NPR, US News, the International Business Times, and many more local and national outlets all covered the announcement, and each speculated on how it will impact national politics and the plight of the nontheist movement.
This kind of overwhelming response and press coverage is indicative of the potential power the nontheist voting bloc might be able to yield. Having a say as to who represents them in public office is a critical step toward reaching their potential. Explicitly nonreligious candidates now actually have a chance at winning office despite their lack of reliance on an intervening higher power (which would have been an instant campaign killer in the past) because of the growing size of the nontheist movement.