Dear Friend,
Ultra-religious lawmakers are at it again, continuing their quest to inject religion into every aspect of public and private life.
Recently, a bill was introduced in the Ohio House of Representatives that would permit public school students to attend and receive credit for religious instruction conducted off school property during regular school hours.
The bad news is that this bill already has bipartisan support, which is why we need your help in our fight to ensure that public schools focus on teaching math, science, and literature instead of encouraging religious study during school hours.
School children should be able to learn all they want about religion at their local church, synagogue, mosque or other site of worship after the school day is over. Public schools are meant to be religiously neutral institutions that pass on knowledge that is based in fact and evidence, not on faith and scripture.
With your help, we can stop Ohio from joining South Carolina as the only states that give credit for outside religious instruction that occurs during school hours.
Thank you for working to ensure that Ohio students and parents don’t see their public schools taken over by religious favoritism.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director