Posted: 06/27/2013
For all the complaints by the religious right about atheists pushing their disbelief, you would think that the nontheist community was some massive monolithic force that acts as the sole shaper of culture. Until recently the truth was quite the opposite. Those who don’t believe in a traditional god were distrusted by the majority Christian public and regularly marginalized by the government and mainstream media. The history of open nonbelievers in America is one of prejudice and discrimination, where those who don’t believe in a god are generally unable or unwilling to even stand-up against acts of bias.
No longer. The rapidly growing nontheist community, which includes people who identify as atheists, agnostics, humanists, nonbelievers, ethical culturists and freethinkers, has taken it upon itself in the past few months to stand up to religious bullies in politics and journalism, and the impact is truly something to behold.
To read the rest of this Huffington Post article from AHA Executive Director Roy Speckhardt, click here.
Roy Speckhardt is the executive director of the American Humanist Association.