The American Humanist Association is happy to announce that Sean Carroll, a a theoretical physicist at Caltech, science communicator and author, will be the keynote speaker at our 72nd Annual Conference. We can also report that Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist and atheist who needs no introduction, will be a special guest at the conference, moderating the panel “Religious Fundamentalism and the Abuse of Children.” Register for the conference, which takes place in San Diego from May 30 to June 2, here.
Also Featuring the 2013 Humanist Awardees

And This Year’s Great Lineup of Speakers and Entertainment
Phil Zuckerman
Teresa McBain
Janet Heimlich
Margaret Downey
Ayanna Watson
“Dancing Matt” Harding
The Galapagos Mountain Boys
The Evolution of Comedy

- Freethought Activist Training, hosted by the United Coalition of Reason
- A post-conference tour of San Diego’s USS Midway Aircraft Carrier, hosted by the Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers
- A Humanist Kids Program for all ages, hosted by Camp Quest West