Dear Friend,
You may have heard recently about discriminatory policies and actions by the Boy Scouts of America, an organization that excludes gay, transgender, and atheist members.
Unfortunately, youth groups like the BSA often enjoy governmental subsidies and preferential tax status even though they discriminate against those whose taxes help fund these organizations.
That’s why I’m pleased to see that lawmakers in California are taking action. State Senator Ricardo Lara recently introduced SB 323, also known as the Youth Equality Act, to “deny tax-exempt status to nonprofit youth groups that discriminate on the basis of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion or religious affiliation.”
I need your help to get this bill all the way through the statehouse and past Gov. Brown’s desk so that LGBT and non-religious Californians will no longer help fund groups that explicitly discriminate against them.
Please stand up for equality by urging your state senator to support SB 323.
This is your opportunity to stand up for equality. What message are we sending to today’s youth when we allow special treatment for groups that discriminate against others of a different race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or ethnicity?
Thank you for defending equality and the rights of all Americans.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director