The Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade on Jan 22, 1973, 40 years ago today, affirmed a woman’s right to an abortion. The American Humanist Association adopted the below resolution in 1985.
American Humanist Association
Resolution on a Woman’s Right to Abortion
Adopted by the Board of Directors
March 29, 1985 ~ Kansas City, MO
WHEREAS a woman’s right of freedom of choice regarding abortion in the United States is the law; and
WHEREAS all relevant and reputable national surveys consistently show that freedom of choice for abortion is supported overwhelmingly in the United States; and
WHEREAS the American Humanist Association affirmed at its annual conference in 1977 that women have the moral right to become pregnant by choice and to become mothers by choice; and
WHEREAS the AHA affirmed the moral right of women to freely terminate unwanted pregnancies; and
WHEREAS the AHA opposed actions by individuals, organizations, and governmental bodies that attempt to restrict and limit women’s moral right and obligation of responsible parenthood; and
WHEREAS women’s rights for freedom of choice have been seriously eroded by governmental actions that restrict and prohibit abortion services to many categories of women, especially the poor; and
WHEREAS Congress has prohibited the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights—which was set up to watch over and protect the constitutional rights of citizens—from any consideration of abortion rights; and
WHEREAS the U. S. President openly applauds the so-called Right-to-Lifers and urges constitutional amendment making abortion illegal; and
WHEREAS anti-choice adherents are actively terrorizing women’s clinics; and
WHEREAS women who seek the services of these clinics are vilified and made to feel like criminals; and
WHEREAS people who staff these clinics are in daily danger from bomb-throwers and arsonists;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AHA reaffirms its support of responsible motherhood; that it joins with other organizations in deploring the government’s actions regarding abortion; and that the AHA reaffirms its support of women’s right of choice to terminate a pregnancy within the parameter set up by the Supreme Court in its Roe vs. Wade decision.
A pdf file of this resolution can be found here.