LGBT Humanist News
Hello fellow humanists, this is Jason Frye, the AHA’s LGBT Humanist Council Coordinator with national LGBT news and what the Council is doing. I hope that you will find this useful and able to incorporate it into discussion with your local chapter or meeting group. One of my goals with the LGBT Humanist Council is to serve as an information vehicle so you guys can let us know what is happening in your area and we can spread the word to everyone else. Through information we can educate ourselves and possibly help remedy bad situations. As humanists and Freethinkers, we are not bridled by the speculative and spiritual hangupsproffered by those wishing to draw the rest of us into their delusions of sin and their promotional antipathy toward gays, lesbians and transgendered individuals.
I would like to open this as a regular forum in order to mutual articulate what is happening both locally and nationally. Knowing what is happening is the chief way to knowing if there is something that we can do to help out, and to successfully do something about it. This happened a couple of years ago when we were alerted to a young woman who was robbed of the rite of prom simply by wanting to do what her peers were doing, dress up and bring their significant other. In response to Constance Macmillan being told “no prom” by her Itwamba Mississippi principal for wanting to wear a tux and bring her girlfriend, we banded together with a generous donation and held a “second chance” prom. This is why we need your help.
I plan to write a bulletin of the major and prescient events relevant to us as humanists and Freethinkers concerned with advancing civil and social equality for LGBT persons. I will scour the news for as much information as I can get; but I need your help to let me know what is happening in your local area. I hope that this weekly can be more than a rehash of The Advocate, CNN, ABC, and the Drudge Report and Drudge Retort. I will give credit to those who send us information at This is also your chance to advertise any LGBT related activism your local group is performing or participating in.
Here are your news items of the last two weeks. Once again we need your help in knowing what is happening locally, as well as support for the LGBT Humanist Council project. Feel free to share this bulletin and discuss what is happening with your local group. Through local action civic change is possible. This was the method of the Religious Right. The Religious Right advocated winning elections on local school boards and city elections in order to effectuate national change-and it worked. Local (grassroots activism) works, so please let us know what is happening, discuss these issues and lets work together to finally achieve full social and civil equality for LGBT persons.
To read the bulletin, click here.