Tuesday, 05 June 2012 7:05AM
“The Atheists Go Marching In” to NOLA
Shana Rose Reporting
“The Atheists Go Marching In” is the message on a New Orleans streetcar advertisement to inform the city that humanists, atheists, freethinkers and skeptics are coming to New Orleans June 7-10 for the 71st Annual American Humanist Association (AHA) Conference.
The New Orleans Secular Humanist Association, the local chapter of the AHA, is also running a billboard ad near the Superdome welcoming conference attendees to town, says executive director, Roy Speckhardt.
He says the organization has a lot they’re trying to accomplish in the Crescent City. “We want to spread the idea that it’s O.K. to be good without a God, and that more recognition and equality is needed for atheists and agnostics.”
Speckhardt says they want a stronger foothold in the south, and this conference “Is part of a larger push that we have.” To read the rest of the WWL article, click here.