Humanist Group Defends Right of Student Who Was Refused Treatment by School Nurse for Sitting Out the Pledge of Allegiance
The American Humanist Association defends a student who was berated by school staff for opting out of the Pledge.
The American Humanist Association defends a student who was berated by school staff for opting out of the Pledge.
The Appignani Humanist Legal Center admonishes an Oklahoma school for passing out Gideon Bibles.
After another humanist blogger is tragically murdered, AHA calls for hearings on the persecution of nontheists.
Stunning new book of poetry from Humanist Press!
The American Humanist Association continues its Pledge boycott to remove "under God."
The Appignani Humanist Legal Center has filed an amicus curiae brief on Obergefell v. Hodges.
Walker's collection of essays on religion's oppression of women is now available from Humanist Press.
In response to Avijit Roy's tragic death, AHA demands that Congress hold hearings on the persecution of nonbelievers.
The Appignani Humanist Legal Center advocates for a humanist prisoner in North Carolina.
The American Humanist Association proudly recognizes CMU's student Humanist League.