Media Advisory: AHA to Present Arguments Demanding Equality for Humanist Prisoners
AHLC challenging the North Carolina Department of Public Safety.
AHLC challenging the North Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Resolutions introduced by Rep. Jim Himes and Sen. Richard Blumenthal.
Saline County residents object to minister-led Christian prayers at county board meetings.
A clear breach of the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution.
Nevada Department of Corrections refuses to allow humanist inmates to gather akin to religious ones.
For Immediate Release Contact: Amy Couch, 202-238-9088, David Niose, 202-238-9088, (Laramie County, Wyoming, December 8, 2017)—The American Humanist...
Tax bill will not gut provision ensuring separation of church and state.
For Immediate Release Contact: Amy Couch, 202-238-9088, Monica Miller, 202-238-9088, (Greenville, SC, December 13, 2017)—The American Humanist Association...
Repealing the Amendment would turn over the reigns of government to the highest bidder.
Texas school district subjects its students to prayers at school board meetings.