At the American Humanist Association, we celebrate individuals and organizations that embody the values of humanism and contribute significantly to the advancement of a more compassionate and rational world. Our annual conference is a platform where we recognize outstanding achievements through prestigious awards that highlight the exceptional efforts of our community.
Explore the Awards
Navigate through our Awards section to learn more about the distinguished honors presented each year. From the Humanist of the Year Award to the Religious Liberty Award, these accolades spotlight those who have made remarkable contributions to humanist values, social justice, and the promotion of reason and empathy.
Nominate a Deserving Candidate
Do you have someone in mind who deserves to be recognized for their outstanding achievements? We invite you to submit your recommendations and help us identify individuals and groups who exemplify the principles of humanism in action. Click on the “Submit a Recommendation” button below to access our nomination form and share your insights.
Be Part of the Celebration
Join us at the annual conference to witness the awards ceremony firsthand. Engage with like-minded individuals, celebrate the achievements of our awardees, and be inspired by the collective impact of the humanist community.
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Learn More About AHA Awards
Humanist of the Year Award
To recognize a person of national or international reputation who, through the application of humanist values, has made a significant contribution to the improvement of the human condition.
Past Awardees: Michael E. Mann, Anthony Fauci, Salman Rushdie, Bill Nye, Kurt Vonnegut, Margaret Atwood, Faye Wattleton, Carl Sagan
LGBTQ+ Humanist Award
This prestigious award recognizes those who have demonstrated unwavering commitment to fostering inclusivity, equality, and the advancement of humanist principles in support of LGBTQ+ rights.
Past Awardees: Mara Wilson, Stacyann Chin, George Takei
Religious Liberty Award
The American Humanist Association’s Religious Liberty Award honors individuals demonstrating exceptional dedication to religious freedom, tolerance, and diverse beliefs, celebrating those who courageously defend the rights to practice any faith or lack thereof, fostering understanding, respect, and peaceful coexistence among diverse belief systems.
Past Awardees: Martin Castro, Marci Hamilton
Humanist Arts Award
To recognize a person whose career in any field of the arts, including literature, has contributed significantly to the advancement of humanism and/or the improvement of the human condition.
Past Awardees: Leighann Lord, Gene Roddenberry, Katharine Hepburn, Norman Lear
Feminist Humanist Award
To recognize a woman who has made a significant contribution to humanism and feminism.
Past Awardees: Ijeoma Oluo, Susie Bright
Isaac Asimov Award
To recognize a person or team of researchers whose scientific work has contributed significantly to the advancement of humanist values.
Past Awardees: Stephon Alexander, Sylvia Earle, Neil deGrasse Tyson