Dear Friend,
The Senate is currently considering the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, a judge who is openly hostile to the separation of church and state and civil rights.
Kavanaugh has supported an employer’s right to refuse contraception coverage to employees on religious grounds; upheld government-sponsored religious speech at public events; supported the government’s right to regulate women’s abortion access; and allowed states to pass laws that suppress voter turnout.
These are just some of the bad policies Kavanaugh has supported, which is why we need your help right now to make sure that Kavanaugh isn’t confirmed to the Supreme Court.
The Religious Right is hoping that Americans won’t take notice and stand up to their attempts to sneakily push through a Supreme Court justice who threatens our liberties, but I know that humanists are determined to protect the separation of church and state and civil rights for all Americans.
Tell Senator Manchin not to confirm a Supreme Court justice who will threaten our rights!
Thank you for defending the separation between church and state.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director