Dear Friend,
Nearly two weeks ago, we let you know about an appropriations bill (H.R. 3354) making its way through Congress which could weaken the Johnson Amendment, the law which keeps churches out of electoral politics. While weakening the Johnson Amendment would be a disaster for the separation of church and state and the integrity of our elections process, it’s important to note this same appropriations bill would also repeal a local law in Washington, D.C. which allows terminally ill patients to peacefully end their lives.
D.C.’s Death with Dignity law was passed in 2017 and allows terminally ill adults seeking to voluntarily end their life to request lethal doses of medication from licensed physicians in the District. Terminally ill patients must be District of Columbia residents who have been medically confirmed to have less than six months to live.
Rather than focusing on issues that are actually important to voters, religious conservatives in Congress are pushing legislation which takes away the rights of people in pain. Can you take a moment right now to tell your Senators to oppose this bad language in the appropriations bill?
Most of us know of someone who has suffered from a painful illness or disease during the final stage of their life, and who simply wishes to end their own suffering. And while the decision to take advantage of medical aid-in-dying programs is always tough, it is a choice that must be made by a doctor and their patient, and not by religious conservatives in Congress.
Stand up for patients’ rights by asking your Senators to protect medical aid-in-dying.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director