Dear Friend,
Religious conservatives in government are at it again, trying to use taxpayer money to inject religious teachings into public school science classrooms.
Mississippi State Rep. Mark Formby recently introduced HB 50, which would allow public school science teachers to “teach the controversy” surrounding topics such as evolution and global warming. What this bill really intends to do is allow teachers to promote creationism or intelligent design as alternatives to evolution free from consequences by school administrators or state education officials.
When it comes to evolution and global warming, there is no controversy to teach. 98% of American scientists believe in the validity of the theory of evolution, while 97% of climate scientists state the climate change is real.
Religious conservatives know these statistics, but are disingenuously trying to start a debate on these topics so as to promote their own religious agenda to our state’s schoolchildren. Stand with us against this bill by contacting your State Representative and letting him or her know you oppose creationism in public classrooms.
Public school science classes should focus on factual scientific knowledge, not on teaching religious ideology. Help us protect the separation of church and state and scientific integrity by opposing this harmful bill.
Thank you for standing up for sound science!
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director