Dear Friend,
We at the American Humanist Association are preparing early for Darwin Day in 2016, and I need you help!
Thanks to the hard work of the AHA’s legislative team, H. Res. 548, the Darwin Day Resolution, has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives for the fifth time since 2011. We are proud to have worked with Representative Jim Himes (D-CT) to introduce the resolution, which:
- States that evolution “provides humanity with a logical and intellectually compelling explanation for the diversity of life on Earth”
- Demands that the “advancement of science be protected from those unconcerned with the adverse impacts of global warming and climate change”
- Confirms that the “teaching of creationism in some public schools compromises the scientific and academic integrity of the United States’ education systems”
If we can get more members of Congress to co-sponsor this resolution it will have a real chance of passing. But we need your help for the resolution to receive bipartisan support. Show Congress that voters care about science by contacting your Representative today and asking him or her to co-sponsor the Darwin Day Resolution.
Our legislative team lobbies daily on Capitol Hill, but our work goes twice as far when you contact your Representative and tell them you’re a humanist and support the Darwin Day Resolution. Can you take a moment to let your Representative know you want them to support the Darwin Day Resolution?
Thank you for standing up for evolution and science education!

Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director
P.S. Interested in learning more about Darwin Day? Head over to the official Darwin Day website at to find out more and join an event in your area.