Dear Friend,
Last night the California State Assembly passed a bill called the End of Life Option Act which allows an adult diagnosed with a terminal disease to receive medicine that would end his or her life in a humane and dignified manner.
But before this bill can move on to Governor Brown for his approval, it must pass the state Senate. The Senate has until this Friday to approve the bill.
With your help, we can make sure that dying with dignity is a viable option for those who choose it. Can you take a moment right now to contact your State Senator and ask them to support the End of Life Option Act?
As humanists, we recognize that we only have one life to live. But we also recognize that living in unbearable pain can be a horrible existence, and that relief from this pain can be the greatest gift we can give to our loved ones.
You have an opportunity right now to give dignified options on how and when to die to those suffering. These are never easy decisions to make, but Californians must have the right to make these decisions for themselves.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director