Dear Friend,
I know we usually don’t send more than one action alert to you per week, but recent actions on Capitol Hill regarding racism and the Confederate flag are so important that we had to let you know what was going on.
This week, three amendments to an important funding bill were successfully adopted in the U.S. House. These amendments:
- Prohibit the display of the Confederate flag in federal cemeteries.
- Prohibit contracts between the federal government and private vendors that want to sell items featuring the Confederate flag in gift stores in national parks or federal land.
- Prohibit the National Park Service from buying or displaying Confederate flags unless they are used to provide historical context.
Unfortunately, a new amendment has been introduced by religious conservatives in Congress which would invalidate the three amendments that have already been added to the funding bill. We need your help to make sure that this new amendment doesn’t pass and undermine the good work that has already been done on this issue. Stand up against racism by letting your Representative know you oppose the pro-Confederate flag amendment.
In related news, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has just introduced a resolution that would ban images depicting the Confederate flag from appearing in the U.S. Capitol. This resolution, while not directly tied to the other amendments, presents another great opportunity for humanists to help fight the specter of racism in government. Take a moment right now to contact your Representative and make your support known for Rep. Pelosi’s new resolution.
The Confederate flag should only be displayed by government when discussing American history; it should not receive a government endorsement through its permanent display on government land or government buildings. Together, humanists can help ensure that the Confederate flag is appropriately displayed in a way that recognizes our history without promoting racism.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director