Dear Friend,
Summer vacation is here, but your child may soon return to a school district that is underfunded because of attempts by religious right extremists in Congress to fund private religious schools.
Congress is finally gearing up to debate the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and the American Humanist Association has heard that several voucher amendments could be introduced this week.
Vouchers defund cash-strapped public schools to support private religious schools that are able to use your federal taxpayer dollars for religious instruction. Even worse, these schools can discriminate against teachers and students on the basis of religious belief or other factors like disability.
The AHA’s lobbyist Matthew Bulger is working with allied groups like the National Coalition for Public Education and the Secular Coalition for America, meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to vigorously oppose these amendments, but we need your help if we are to succeed in keeping this important education bill free of vouchers.
I know you don’t want to see your taxpayer money going to fund religious institutions, and neither do I. Please join me and your fellow humanists in working to prevent government funding of private religious education.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director