Dear Friend,
Last week I told you about our first-ever congressional briefing, which is taking place on July 22nd at 12:30pm in Rayburn 2103 and is focusing on the need for Humanist Chaplains in the U.S. military.
This briefing is really important, because the needs of humanist soldiers remain unaccounted for since the defeat last year of the Polis Amendment, which would have allowed the military to appoint Humanist Chaplains.
We need your help to ensure that members of Congress come to this briefing in order to learn more about this topic so that legislation like the Polis Amendment can pass in the future. Please take a moment right now to contact your Representative and ask that she or he attend this briefing on Humanist Chaplains in the military.
Thank you for standing up for our nontheistic soldiers.

Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director