Dear Friend,
Senators Patrick Leahy (D- VT) and Mike Crapo (R-ID) have recently introduced a bipartisan bill, S. 1925, to reauthorize and improve the Violence Against Women Act.
The passage of the original Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 1994 was a giant step forward for our nation. Domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking are pervasive issues throughout the United States. VAWA meant that our federal government formally acknowledged that domestic and sexual violence cause tremendous harm, and therefore put resources into helping victims and responding to these crimes. Our nation and millions of individuals are safer as a result.
The time has come to again reauthorize this critical legislation. The Violence Against Women Act of 2011 will build upon efforts to prevent violence before it begins and teach the next generation that violence is always wrong. Congress must reauthorize this legislation to address this and build healthy communities.
Stand with the AHA in supporting this important piece of legislation today.
The American Humanist Association affirms the fundamental nature of a person’s right to be free from violence. As such, we believe that Congress has a duty to pass legislation like VAWA which protects our fellow citizens from violent aggressors. Please take a moment to contact your senators and ask them to support VAWA now.
By supporting the survivors of violence and methods to prevent these crimes, you help to improve the lives of countless individuals. I’m asking you, as a supporter of humanism and human dignity, to make a difference and take action now.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director