Dear friends,
Title X, also known as “Population Research and Voluntary Family Planning Programs,” is a federally funded program that provides family planning services to the economically disadvantaged. A large majority of Title X funding goes to family planning clinics across the country.
The 2011 GOP has been clear about their intent to eliminate Planned Parenthood funding, and their opportunity will arise with the approaching vote on a Continuing Resolution (H.R. 1), a proposed $100 billion dollar cut in spending for the fiscal year. H.R. 1 seeks to slash all Title X funds.
In the absence of Title X, millions of low income women will no longer have access to the family planning care they require. This includes access to counseling, contraceptives, cancer and sexually transmitted disease screenings, gynecological care, and sexual education.
The American Humanist Association stands beside organizations such as Planned Parenthood and advocates for a woman’s healthcare rights. Please take a moment and tell your Representative to say no to the elimination of Title X funding.
Roy Speckhart
Executive Director