Dear American Humanist Association Supporter,
This week, the United States Senate is considering the FY 2010 Department of Defense authorization bill. We need your help to make sure the bill doesn’t include any amendments that further undermine civil liberties.
It’s likely that amendments offered during floor debate could halt Obama’s plans to close Guantanamo Bay by 2010, undercut efforts to hold those responsible for the torture program accountable, and disregard habeas corpus by promoting indefinite detention without trial. Outrageously, the bill already includes language that would allow the military commissions to convict people based on confessions that were coerced.
Please e-mail your Senators and urge them not to allow amendments to the DOD authorization bill that undermine civil liberties. Stand with the American Humanist Association to help stop indefinite detention, end military commissions permanently, and close down Guantanamo Bay once and for all.
We need to make sure Congress hears our message loud and clear: the Bush-era policies that ran afoul of the U.S. Constitution and core American values cannot be tolerated in our society.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director
American Humanist Association