Dear Friend,
Yesterday, Representative Tim Walberg (MI) introduced H. Res. 250, which if passed would declare Congress’s support for opening local school board meetings with prayer.
This bill states that “the United States was founded on the principle of freedom of religion and not freedom from religion… prayer by a deliberative public body should be protected under law and encouraged in society because voluntary prayer has become a part of the fabric of this society.”
Unfortunately, the bill already has 43 co-sponsors, which is why we need your help in opposing this blatant attempt by religious conservatives in Congress to weaken the separation between church and state. Stand up for church-state separation by contacting your Representative today!
School board meetings are no place for sectarian prayer, and the American Humanist Association has worked hard to oppose such practices in places like Whiteville, North Carolina and Lenoir City, Tennessee. This bill if passed will encourage more school districts to pray at school board meetings and alienate nonreligious students, teachers, parents, and school administrators from their own communities.
Join the AHA in defending church-state separation by contacting your Representative today.
Schools are meant to be places of learning, not venues for prayer or religious instruction. With your help we can ensure that school board meetings remain secular and focused on improving schools instead of spreading religion.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director