Two Days Left: Support the Darwin Day Resolutions!
Help pass the Darwin Day resolutions in Congress!
Help pass the Darwin Day resolutions in Congress!
The proclamation declares Feb. 12 to be “Charles Darwin Day in the State of Delaware.”
Public dollars must remain invested in public schools for the benefit of all students.
West Virginia humanists have an opportunity to stop yet another RFRA bill.
Help us ensure that Congress passes the Darwin Day resolution in both the House and the Senate!
The Humanists of the Palouse, with the Secular Student Alliance chapters at WSU and UI, will host a Darwin Day...
Help the AHA oppose efforts to weaken the separation between church and state!
Florida introduces a state bill that would restrict students' free speech rights.
"Larry Decker brings a wealth of experience in bipartisan lobbying and coalition building," said Roy Speckhardt.
Help gather support for the Senate's Darwin Day resolution!