American Humanist Association Sues City of Lake Elsinore to Stop Cross Monument
AHA says city violated separation of church and state.
AHA says city violated separation of church and state.
Donation made through the AHA's Humanist Charities project.
If the Boy Scouts are truly a values-based organization, bigotry can’t be part of the program.
Fayette High School Teacher Hosts Prayer Sessions for Students During School Hours.
American Humanist Association applauds inclusion of atheists and other nonbelievers in the report.
Prayers containing Christian references were delivered on 50 plus occasions at meetings held in 2011 and 2012.
The NDoR is raising the visibility of the secular community and setting an example to effect positive change.
The AHA filed a lawsuit challenging a public school's mandatory student assemblies that presented a Christian message.
Transfer credits will be offered by Saybrook University to Humanist Institute graduates.
The Northwest Rankin High School administration clearly violated the First Amendment.