Good news! Senator Jim DeMint, a staunch defender of the religious right, is finally retiring from Congress.
DeMint, who you may remember from his infamous claim that “We can’t set up free societies around the world because they don’t have the moral underpinnings that come from Biblical faith,” may not be leaving DC, but his departure gives South Carolina the chance to make up for all the unscientific and fundamentalist positions he took while in office.
Nikki Haley, South Carolina’s governor, has the responsibility of appointing a senator to represent South Carolina for the rest of DeMint’s term. Myself and several other nonreligious leaders, such as Richard Dawkins, are pushing for the governor to consider Herb Silverman, a proud Charleston resident, AHA board member, and president of the Secular Coalition for America.
But we can’t do this alone. We need your help to convince Governor Haley that South Carolina can do better than Jim DeMint and his religious right allies.
Herb isn’t new to running for office. In 1990, he ran for governor of South Carolina to challenge the state’s constitutional provision that prohibited atheists from holding public office, a story he recounts in his book Candidate Without A Prayer.
Americans and South Carolinians need more than religious demagogues in Congress. We deserve someone who stands up for science and equality, and Herb Silverman is just that person.
Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director
P.S. After you take action, I hope you will buy Herb’s excellent book, Candidate Without A Prayer, available now through Humanist Press.